Dear VESians,
Thanks for your overwhelming response for the registration for the
Alumni Meet 'Nostalgia 2022 .... Back to School'.
We are eager to meet after a long span. Social media has brought us virtually close, but 'Nostalgia 2022....' will bring us actually close.
* Let's visit our alma mater.
* Let's meet our teachers.
* Let's sit in our class room, probably with our benchmate.
* Let's see our friends.
* Let's share our ideas, thoughts and experiences.
* Let's bring out and perform on the stage our artistic talent hidden for years.
* Let's write something for the sovereign.
* Let's enjoy, enjoy and enjoy a lot.
* Let's go back with heartful memories!
The programme has been designed in such a way that every minute and every activity will make the event memorable for ever.

Tentative Schedule:
17th December
8.30 am onwards - Registration
9.00 am - Breakfast
10.15 to 11.30 am - School and class room visit
11.30 am - Opening ceremony
1.00 pm - Lunch
3.00 to 4.30 pm - Fun activities
4.30 pm - hi-tea
7.00 pm onwards - Dinner, cultural programme, bon fire in the evening session

18th December
9.00 am - Breakfast
10.30 am - Programme (felicitation of ex-students, motivational speech, school journey, etc.)
1.30 pm - Lunch
3.30 pm - present students' events
4.30 pm - Hi-tea
5.30 pm - Concluding ceremony

Dear friends, confirm your registration as early as possible by completing all the required formalities to enable us to make the preparation with precision and perfection. The ex-students who do the registration will be provided 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 hi-teas and a dinner. They will also be given a memento and a copy of sovereign. The registration is only for students.

So, we'll meet soon, on 17th and 18th December 2022, in our school.

Click here for Alumni Meet 2022 Student Registration

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